Joining the Scouting Movement
The Boy Scouts of America was first Chartered by the U.S. Congress on Feburary 8, 1910. In the years since it has grown to be a premiere youth program for young men to grow in knowledge of the outdoors, citizenship and leadership. Every Pack & Troop within the BSA has a different flavor and style. This ensures that every boy and his family has a chance to thrive in the program. The BSA has developed a program that has age appropriate activities and achevements. Pack 28 suggests that every family takes a look at what each Pack or Troop has to offer to make sure that a good fit for your family is acheved.
The leadership and boys of Pack 28 invite your family to visit our Pack at any meeting or event, but we understand that a family or boy may have other activities and interests that prohibit them from joining our Pack. So, the BSA has established a website to help your family locate and find out about other Packs and Troops in your local area.
Please visit to locate other Units in the area.
On this page you will find links to forms and our weekly meeting times. Our Pack has weekly den meetings at St. Ambrose Catholic Church in Cresthill, IL. On the third Monday of every month we have a Pack Night, when we come together as a Pack and hand out awards and recognize the boys for personal achevements. We have many events and activities that we participate in year round. We understand that we cannot all be at everything, but if we work together we can acheve everything.
Pack 28 is affiliated with the Rainbow Council located in Morris, IL. We are also in the Waapi Lenaswa District of the Rainbow Council. Both the District and Council were established to assist the individual Units to bring the best possible Scouting experience for your boy and family.
You can also request more information with this form:
To request more information:
Dan Hughes (815) 603-5925