Pack 28 has been blessed to have a great team of leaders and parents that help the Pack go. Our Leadership & Parents all have special talents that they share with the boys and each other. Without these volunteer leaders the Boys Scouts/Cub Scouts could not operate. These people need a big thank you for all they do for our boys and for the community they live in. Pack 28 would like to invite you to consider a leadership role within our organization. We all have God given talents, though they are all different, they are all needed.
At weekly meetings the Dens come together to work on activities and achievements put together by their Den Leader. On the third Monday of every month the whole Pack has a Pack Night. This is when all the Dens come together to receive their awards and talk about the accomplishments and events completed during the month.
Pack 28 is a family run Unit. We welcome all adults to consider being a leader within our organization. All have talents and abilities that will only enhance the program. The BSA has established and highly recommends that each adult take the Youth Protection Training available online at www.myscouting.org. Pack 28 would like to invite you to take this training and it is required before we can except your application to become a leader. Every Potential Leader will have a background check performed and adminstered by the BSA. There are many positions within the Pack that need to be performed. We are always interested in what each family has to offer the Pack, but to have the best program available, only registered Scouter's within our Unit have the ability to vote on upcoming events and activities.
As a Catholic Chartered Organization the Diocese of Joliet requires each adult to attend the "Protecting God's Children" Workshop to work with, teach or attend activities with the youth of the Organization the Parish sponsors. There are workshops available all over the Diocese throughout the year. If you have attended a "Protecting God's Children" Workshop in the past, please give a copy of the certificate to your Den Leader, Cubmaster or Committee Chairperson. If you do not have the certificate, please contact the Parish where you took the workshop for a copy.
Please use links below to take a look at the leadership positions within the Pack. The Pack Committee is a crucial element within the Unit structure. The Committee is made up of conserned adults thats mission is to establish, maintain, support and implement the Guidelines of Safe Scouting.
Please prayerfully consider being a leader in some capacity
within your son's Scouting program
Cubmaster Committee Chairperson Committee Members
Tiger Coach Wolf Den Leader Bear Den Leader Webelos Leader
6:00 pm
Boys age 6 or in
1st Grade
6:00 pm
Boys 8 or in
2nd Grade
6:00 pm
Boys 8 or in
3rd Grade
6:00 pm
Boys 9 &10 or in
4th & 5th Grades
Youth Protection
The Safety of the Youth is Our
Primary Concern
Duty to God
With God We Cannot Fail, but Without Him Failure is Assured
The Way Forward
Membership Standards for the Futures of Our Youth